TRIO-5.8/7.5/8.5 (5.8KW to 8.5KW)
TRIO-5.8/7.5/8.5 (5.8KW to 8.5KW) String Inverter-3 Phase ABB Solar Inverters ABB Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Subang Jaya Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | InverPower Sdn Bhd

This new generation three-phase inverter for domestic installations, is available in three power ratings: 5.8, 7.5 and 8.5 kW. The compact, transformerless TRIOs are the latest products in the family for their performance, ease of use and installation, monitoring and control.

The topology of the TRIO-20.0/27.6 inverters has been redesigned to ensure that the TRIO-5.8/7.5/8.5 models also enjoy high conversion efficiency across a wide range of input voltages, and the double MPPT gives maximum installation flexibility for an optimal energy production (TRIO-7.5/8.5 models). The new generation inverters can integrate power control, monitoring functionalities, and environmental sensor inputs, all without requiring external components. A compact expansion card gives access to the Ethernet datalogger, which allows parameters to be monitored both locally (with the integrated webserver) or remotely (via Aurora Vision), via a LAN connection.


  • True three-phase bridge topology for DC/AC output converter
  • Transformerless topology
  • Two independent MPPT channels for TRIO-7.5/8.5 allows optimal energy harvesting from two sub-arrays oriented in different directions (one MPPT channel for TRIO-5.8)
  • Flat efficiency curves ensure high efficiency at all output levels ensuring consistent and stable performance across the entire input voltage and output power range
  • Wide input voltage range
  • Remote inverter upgrade
  • Reactive power management

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